How To Break Free and Still Love Your Parent

Being enmeshed with a parent means feeling guilty and responsible for their well being often at a cost to your own wants, needs and desires. It is possible to have your own separate life and still love and care for your parent.

What is Enmeshment and Are You Enmeshed?

Steps on How to Overcome Enmeshment

I attended Dr. Adams’ seminar on enmeshment… To say it changed my life is an understatement. My dysfunctional parents, specifically my mother, had raised me via guilt…and unwanted intimacy. I left the seminar feeling finally free. If you’re considering attending, please go. It’s the best investment in myself I’ve ever made. Thank you Dr. Adams! -Dave

Our Services


Enmeshed Sons

Sons who are enmeshed with a parent feel excessive loyalty and guilt and have difficulty leading a separate life of passion and purpose.


Enmeshed Daughters

Daughters who are enmeshed with a parent feel excessive responsibility for the parent and learn to sacrifice themselves by being caretakers of others.

Enmeshed Familes

Enmeshed Families

Families that are over-enmeshed demand loyalty and sacrifice at a cost to the separateness of each individual.

Break Free from Enmeshment with the Right Resources

Books by Kenneth Adams

All of my books are intended to help those struggling with enmeshment, addictions, and adult child issues to begin a new life of freedom.

Since 1985, Kenneth M. Adams and Associates has been Michigan’s premier outpatient treatment program for sexual addiction and other intimacy problems. We provide assessment and evidenced-based treatment in a safe, confidential, and respectful atmosphere.


How Do I Put My Love Relationship First?

Learn how to re-establish boundaries that honor the love relationship as your priority. We can help you develop a couples template that guides you in learning to visit and detach from taking on the problems of the enmeshing parent.

How Can I Still Love My Son or Daughter and Not Be Over Involved?

Enmeshing your son or daughter often leads to them feeling responsible for your happiness and well-being. They may feel intruded on, controlled, or invaded. As a parent, it is important that you have sense of purpose separate from your children.

Love My Son or Daughter